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Childhood Memories

In the series titled "Childhood Memories", I explore several childhood activities using a variety of mediums, including wood, plaster, burlap and found objects.


My process begins by recreating and recording a childhood activity. After I record the activity, I begin work on m sculpture. In my final piece, design elements like line and the use of shadow, are tools that I incorporate to create movement, tension and conceptual depth.


For example, Earth's Child at Play represents a moment when I dug a hole as a child, simply for fun. I recreated the event by photographing my sisters as they dug a hole. The piece consists of linear panels of wood which are shaped to mimic the interieor space of the hole. In the photographs, I noticed my sisters' tiny fingers left lines in the dirt. Therefore, I left the edges of the panels rough like the lines. A golf ball and white child's shoe hang in the negative space within the panels. These objects represent the small treasures I found as a child when digging holes.

Works by Casey

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